Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of computerized services offered on Web by on a cloud computing platform. The Amazon Web Services can be accessed via HTTP, using the Representational State Transfer (REST) and SOAP protocols. AWS offers the availability of a range of services based on a highly flexible, adaptable IT platform able to meet all types of business demands and their technological requirements.
Interact through the use of the Amazon Web Services offers some of its own services in Cloud Computing modality.
- Storage
- Database
- Creating Websites
- Streaming Video in the Cloud
- Videoassembly
- MobileTV, Web TV e Corporate TV
- Digital Asset Management (DAM)
- Digital Signage
- Business Process Management (BPM)
The major advantages gained from using the Amazon Web platform follow:
- Optimizing costs - the cost of the service is proportionate to its actual use, without any prior purchase of the resources;
- Reliability - the Amazon platform is based on a consolidated know-how regarding the building, managing and maintenance of an infrastructure on a global scale;
- Flexibility - web applications can be developed and integrated using any platform or any other programming model;
- Open system - integration of AWS applications into their own applications;
- Elasticity - the application can be automatically scaled according to user requirements:
- Security - the Amazon platform envisages a large number of mechanisms to guarantee an adequate security level.
For further information regarding Amazon Web Services please contact or call: 06 58318301.