
  • Assoporti e Ansa - webcasting
Assoporti Live Streaming

ANSA chose Interact to implement the Assoporti live video

On September 24, the Assoporti (Italian Ports Association) General Assembly took place. Interact and Unified Communication supported Ansa in the live streaming of the video event on its own Web site.


The major Italian press agency needed to broadcast the Assoporti Assembly on its own Website in live modality, through the use of a streaming service.


Ansa required access availability for future recordings. They further required access to analytical data, consequently to be able to guarantee a long stable period of a broadcasting service.


Interact SpA and United Communication have been charged with implementing the Ansa broadcast owing to the fact that these two Companies have a well-established background in Video streaming and WebCasting.

Unified Communication - the only European broker dedicated to conferencing that selects and offers its customers the best-of-the-brand products and services on the world market related to audio, Web and video conferencing.

Interact possesses an in-depth background in the field of video streaming and is further able to provide all-round, reliable solutions for broadcasting video contents onto PC, mobiles, smart phones and tablets.

Interact implemented the Assembly broadcast via the use of the Niagara 2120 encoder of the ViewCast Corporation, a powerful, robust equipment that enables delivering simultaneously multiple resolution streaming in the Adobe Flash H.264 format as well as incorporating the Niagara SCX software for the broadcast set-up, control and monitoring.

This equipment was selected because of its stability, compactness and ease in use, features that make it particularly suitable for live production environments.

Results achieved

The event was broadcasted in Flash H.264 format at a 400 Kbps bit-rate, thus achieving an exceptional performance in terms of stability and user experience.

The service has further made it possible to record the event and offer the availability of effective information for accessing the site, thanks to the use of state-of-the-art reporting tools that enable monitoring in real time the state of the service and user access, providing important information related to average access times, user peaks and many other parameters, that may also be customized.

The live event solution that Interact offers envisages:

  • a customized service for broadcasting audio/video contents, both live and on demand, onto PC or mobiles with the availability of choosing the display format (Windows Media, Flash, RealMedia or H.264);
  • an optimized network for delivering videos able to offer the best broadcasting quality thanks to a partnership with major CDNs for distribution at an international level;
  • dedicated support and assistance
  • advanced analytics;
  • the creation of a communication plan to support the event on Web and Social Media.

Interact is further able to supply accessory services offering enriched value such as:

  • Podcasting
    It enables enhancing the streaming services by activating the audio/video podcast via an all-round service that comprises production and post-production of the sound and video tracks, production of the RSS feed and hosting the Interact server farm.
  • DRM
    It provides the availability of protecting contents and enables activating pay-per-view and on demand types of services (e.g. rent, rent with renewal availability, sales) both in Windows Media formats (Windows Media DRM ASP) and in RealMedia formats via a specific plug-in
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