
  • Realizzazione sito web per FIT CISL - immagine showcase
FIT-CISL Website

The new Italian Transport Federation website


The Italian Transport Federation (FIT-CISL) needed to change its profile online through the creation of a new Website able to offer a deft, all-round accessibility to cope with the huge amount of information involved in their activities.


The new portal was the result of a just co-existence with the national portal, created for the purpose of facilitating acess to information more strictly related to the Federation. There are also 13 sub-pages dedicated to the different contractual areas that make up the main channels of the site. As a consequence a considerable quantity of documentary material, ranging from contracts in force and trade-union agreements through to Department advices and news, is now accessible.

Designing such a well-constructed architecture and managing its contents was possible via the Interact Xmanager CMS (Content Management System) that enabled gathering, producing, broadcasting and updating information quickly and easily.

As far as the Graphics were concerned, the Client's requirements involved a layout where the 5 major contractual areas were to be represented equally at the same level. This is the reason why the 5 clear keys/banners have been created linking back to the relative contractual areas.

The colours used for the new layout are the same as those of the official FIT CISL logos (green, red and white). A colour and image has been chosen for each area that is represented by the type of transport in question (e.g. navy blue for ships).

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