
  • Camera dei Deputati - realizzazione sito web - second
Chamber of Deputies
Chamber of Deputies website

Innovative communication

The new site of the Chamber of Deputies is one of the most complete, innovative Italian institutional and political communications portal.

Interact has enabled using the site on different platforms and browsers, with special attention to the requirements of people with handicaps or limited eyesight.

The new platform was developed using the XHTML language, following the data accessibility procedures for handicapped persons, according to the Italian law, the CNIPA and the W3C guide lines.

Interact has collaborated in restyling the graphics of the site as well as creating the 'feed rss' providing information automatically by updating Daily Agendas, Press Reviews and Parliamentary activities related to the Hemicycle and the Commissions.

The Content Management System Xmanager organizes and broadcasts the contents onto the site easily and quickly, considering that this information is being updated continuously.

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