
  • FAO - Streaming Video e Live Webcasting
Live Webcasting and Mobile Video Streaming for the FAO

Roger Thurow in Live Video Streaming

Interact has created a Live Webcasting service for the FAO, and has also created Mobile Video Streaming on iPhone and iPad.


The FAO needed to broadcast a conference on the 14th of October 2011 in Webcasting mode related to the participation of Roger Thurow and broadcast the video simultaneously on the premium channel of the Livestream platform, on the facebook page and on the Website of the organization, using a digital video camera with a sole operator.


The FAO charged Interact to provide this service. Interact decided to implement the Webcasting using the ViewCast Niagara 4100 video encoder - a professional tool able to guarantee encoding performances of the highest level, provided with an SDI digital input. Since the filming is performed with a sole video camera with an HDMI output, an HDMI to SDI a Mini Converter of the BlackMagic Design was used to connect the streams. It was thus possible to connect the digital streams without penalizing the quality of the signal. The Flash Media Live Encoder was used for the encoding software.


Webcasting broadcasting was performed in the Flash format at a bit-rate of 700 Kbps, consequently achieving exceptional performances in terms of stability and user-experience. Mobile Streaming on mobile iPhone e iPad devices was performed using a specific plug-in.
The video was later encoded to be offered on other sites in on demand modality.

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