Interact created for Enel the first optimized iPad Web Application in collaboration with the Corriere della Sera. The application that complies with the new HTML 5 standard, combines the new Enel campaign and the Fragments of History (see Fragments) in a sole video library.
The enhancement of Enel's communication proposal via the empowerment of new multimedia tools.
The creation of the first optimized iPad application to enhance the vast number of multimedia contents in the Enel archive.
Based on its in-depth experience in the planning and development of web TV and a mobile TV, interact has created an interactive video magazine for iPad based on the HTML 5 standard. The application exploits all the main characteristics of the new Apple device and is aspired by the most innovative creations of major world magazines, thus making it possible to share the contents on the major Social Networks.
The new Enel commercials can be seen via the application on your own iPad including among the stars Federica Pellegrini as well as a whole series of Fragments of History (available at the following address for Web users).
The application was launched in Italy at the same time as the launching of the iPad in Italy and the relative adaptation of the Corriere della Sera sponsored by Enel comprising a direct link to the application.
The iPad application thus marks the changeover from a traditional landing (used in most campaigns) and a total spectacular brand experience able to excite greater interest. Most of Enel's iPad users are also able to connect via WiFi enabling a higher video quality consequently an enhanced overall experience.