
  • Mobilegeddon - google for mobile web sites

Mobilegeddon - Google rewards Mobile Friendly web sites

Google’s new algorithm is taxing institutional websites

Mobilegeddon is the name given to the Google algorithm, whose purpose it is toaward mobile-friendly sites. It has been some time since sites were in the news having cross platform compatibility to fulfill the need for the growing increase of mobile devices and the requirements of users who pass most of their time on Smartphones and Tablets.

Google has finally released the algorithm and as what has already occurred with Panda and Pinguin, a large number of sites have undergone loss in the SERP ranking if they do not become mobile. Google has also released a guide to aid developers in enhancing their sites of the basis of the requirements of the new algorithm.

Certain aspects have to be considered to avoid being penalized by paying great attention to the graphics sector and the user interfaces. It is further of major importance not to use programming languages that are not suitable for Smartphones such as Flash or the size of the characters without needing to zoom out on one's own mobile device. Even though not expressly requested, the new algorithm will reward those sites that use new technologies such as responsive design (this configuration allows you to broadcast the same contents for all users despite the type of device being used) or sites that present a mobile version with automatic redirecting focused on enhancing user experience.

On this occasion, the classification of the institutional sites that have passed or failed by the new algorithm has been broadcast. Among the websites that have not passed the test, and appear while the analysis on the other hand has awarded the Chamber of Commerce website as it implements a completely different navigation compared to that of the desktop and offers a mobile version built ad hoc for users on the move.

The classification of the institutional websites that have passed or failed may be consulted on webnews

In conclusion, Google is expediting the in-depth transformation taking place which is bringing about a convergence between desktops and mobiles. It is of major importance for all to adapt to this trend both to facilitate users in navigating on the move and not to lose their places in search engine ranking. Since institutional websites contain a large quantity of information that they need to manage, they usually work on more complex informative architectures and must therefore in a short period conform to the new revolution that is taking place. Certain Institutional bodies have already started up and it is sure that in time all those in the medium term will follow the example of the Chamber of Deputies.

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