Interact created the online magazine website with the view of focusing on promoting emerging made in Italy up and coming products.
The target of project inventors was to design a web portal wholly dedicated to Made in Italy in all its forms so that Italy may be discovered and made known via the stories of editors and collaborators travelling throughout this boot-shaped country. The magazine further offers an inspirational driving force for those new generations who wish to have greater space to express their creativity and talent through the web.
Designing the website
Interact created the website by interpreting the magazine's mission and targeting a minimal style but with high level content together with an extremely simple web surfing style. The structure of the site presents users with a navigation menu comprising the following 4 main categories:
The home page highlights the posts, the latest and most read articles online as well as a section for videos. Integration was offered by including videos arriving from external fonts (e.g. the Utube) and navigation was enhanced by tags reaching the various posts according to specific key terms.
Each post is connected to its author who owns a space dedicated to his/her dreams, expectations and connections to social profiles; in conclusion, you are able to present yourself on the World Wide Web.
The online magazine has a responsive design structure consequently it can be navigated by the most popular mobiledevices.
Editors opinions will be further enriched by the photographic galleries and areas with videos to be linked to their articles. The website has been created by the CMS wordpress thus enabling the purchaser to facilitate managing contents and exploiting to the full via granular access by roll (editors, administrators) ideal for managing a real and proper onlineOgnik newspaper and the page on the site has been enhanced from the SEO point of view to upgrade ranking on search engines.
The Magazine is an ongoing laboratory continuously evolving and it will soon accommodate new sections as well as new languages.