2016 was always for us the time to follow our innovative nature and focus our activities on two areas Digital Media Technology & Services and Cloud Solution both of which we are most keen on.
This has been a year full of an abundance of activities and projects, during which we have optimized our professional capabilities and empowered our network of Clients.
We were chosen as Media Provider for major International events such as the Rome Film Fest, Rome Fiction Fest and the City Fest as well as Institutions, Editorial and Press Offices.
We supplied live International Streaming Services for Events, Newspapers, Parliaments, Regions, Municipalities, Public Bodies, Companies and Organizations. We organized WebTV and Multimedia Catalogues for Universities, Associations and Publishers. We promoted and implemented Cloud Solutions for Public Administrations, on the strength of our partnership with Amazon Web Services.
We believe that innovation arrives at Cloud because of the high quality of our services, technological development, safety, efficiency and cost cutting.
In 2017, we will lead our Clients along the highway of audiovisual communication on line and the soundness of the coming generation of Cloud.
Our Best Wishes for a Better Future!