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The Power of Social Media Unleashed in Interact Egypt Workshop

Social Media Marketing Workshop reverberates

In an attempt to bring intensified attention on Social Media Marketing as a hot topic in the Middle East lately, Interact Egypt held a successful social media workshop last Wednesday, 23rd of June 2010, to give an overview on Social Media Marketing utilities in the digital Era.

Diverse employers and employees and entrepreneurs, from various industries and companies were very interested in attending the workshop to know how they could apply this social media convergence on their businesses.

Workshop discussed a variety of topics all revolving around social media. Ms. Nour El Zeiny - Strategic Marketing Instructor at the American University in Cairo, commenced the event by giving an insight on the current marketing challenges that are most probably facing every business, some modern marketing concepts, highlighting the differentiation between products and services.

Mr. Fady Ramzy; country manager of Interact Egypt, followed Nour, by introducing Social Media to his audiences, compiling some facts and figures about some famous social media networks, that have certainly manifested the rising level of social media networking and interaction among its users. Mr. Ramzy went further presenting insightful ideas on how social media can bring a vital value to businesses, and ended by summarizing the successful examples and case studies of these social media platforms.

General Manager; Mr. Andrea Volpini also contributed towards the workshop by showcasing some of interact's social media current activities and the entire social media marketing campaign that interact is running for ENEL (the 2nd largest energy provider in Europe), as well as shedding light on SEO tricks and what is the best way of correctly using keywords for the purpose of gaining your visibility on search engines.

Social Media have become one of the main concerns currently capturing the attention of business industry owners who aim at filling all the gaps that could possibly lead them to their stakeholders, attain them or maintain relations with them. Entrepreneurs should miss no chance to reach their goals especially because social media techniques are much more cost-effective than the well-known integrated marketing communication campaigns.

Mr. Ramzy also emphasized the importance of social media even to the industries whose most consumers are offline and said that the online world could be a place to find potential consumers and customers. It's not a possibility that we can afford to ignore.

Workshop ended by some tips and tricks that every business owner needs to know before he seeks media convergence.

You can find the presentations here in our (Slideshare) account:
1- Social Media Facts & Figures
2- What can social Media Do For you!?
3- Social Media Platforms Insight
4- Tips and Tricks of Social Media Marketing

You can also find the pictures of the workshop on our (Flickr) account
1- Social Media Workshop
but keep following us because we are adding more pictures soon.

And just a reminder to you our twitter account is InteractEgypt and the event's tweets #followinteract

You can also start sharing with us anything on twitter, or asking us any questions.

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