Interact is a market leader with a long-standing history in providing end-to-end streaming platforms. One of interact's major partners is Realnetworks, which provides the unmatched Universal Media Delivery Platform, the Helix platform - the reason for Interact to have built a considerable network of clients who depend heavily on streaming platforms to serve their clients.
Fasttelco, a leading telecom service provider in Kuwait, contacted Interact Egypt for acquiring a Helix universal server - the mobile edition for streaming to web and mobile devices in order for the company to build a streaming platform that would enable it to provide web and mobile streaming services to their customers.
"Three months ago, I was planning to implement reliable Media server at FASTteclo to support the company's Managed Video Services Business plan. I decided to go to RealNetworks since they have the most reliable streaming solution, the Helix Media Server. Then, I tried to reach their partner in the Gulf region or in EMEA and finally I reached Interact." said Essam Abd Allah, Engineering Manager @ Fast Telecommunications.
"I started by sending them an email describing FASTtelco needs. The 1st impression I received is that this company was responsive. This is because I got a reply to my email on the same business day and then I received a phone call from the Egypt Country Manager to discuss FASTtelco current and future plans." he added.
Finally Essam concludes, "After a week of discussions and price negotiations, FASTtelco made a deal with Interact. Then, the project started off and its scope was the implementation, configuration of the Helix Media Server hosted at FASTtelco Main Point of Presence in Kuwait and training FASTtelco technical team on this platform to be able to support corporate customers in the future.
The project was just closed last week and I can say that Interact has a knowledgeable team who knows what to do and how to do it. I really recommend Interact as a Business partner in the Video Solutions line of Business."
Ahmed Atef, our system engineer flew to Kuwait to deliver and run the Helix server as well as delivering interact "streaming Academy training" to the Fast Telecommunications technical team.
Interact is engaged in a large number of streaming platforms deployments worldwide with mobile operators like Mobinil in Egypt, OTA in Algeria, Mobilink in Pakistan and others.