Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing comprises the strategies applied to communicate and design your own image on Social Networks. The latter are becoming more and more important to boost relationships between Companies and Clients. In fact, a single page suffices to create the solid network offering connection and contact availability to thousands of Companies, Customers and Consumers.

The Social Network planet covers a series of diversified portals where end-users can share access and search for information via new formats and methods (videos, photos) for putting together details.

Web advertising strategies proposed by Interact provides an efficient planning of presenting you to your potential clients on the major and most targeted Social Networks based on the type of activities your Company is offering.

The main advantages of a Social Media Marketing campaign follow:

  • Capturing and Developing/Keeping up Customer Loyalty
    An adequate Social Media Marketing strategy enhances the use of the Social networks as an active, effective use to advertise your Company, search for contacts and build connections between specialists and consumers. More and more Companies get into touch with each other through advertising campaigns or via pioneering communication strategies to boost sales and develop customer loyalty.
  • Supporting Purchasing Activities
    Using Social networks are steadily growing for the purpose of communicating with each other to capture useful information to enhance purchasing activities. Users screen comments they find in portals and Social Networks to better understand if the product or service they are about to buy is worth it or not, thus trusting in other peoples' opinions.
  • Online reputation
    Online reputation screening has become of major importance since information circulates freely on Social Networks where they may even contain derogatory messages concerning a Company's activities and products. A correct Social Media Marketing strategy has to enable Companies to reach users in selling their products and services through their brands. This should then be followed up by acting promptly to update or optimize communication with their own users through the broadcasting of videos and contents and even creating links between targeted communities.
  • Focus Group
    It is useful to screen conversations on Social Media to seize new opportunities and discover new marketing and communication cues. Conversations on Social Media are full of info regarding the marketplace, competitors, consumer practices and targeted products.
  • Presenting new products and events
    Social Networks may be an effective tool for delivering innovative, efficient communication by launching products and services, involving users regarding events organized by Companies.

The main steps of a Social Media Marketing campaign deployed by Interact envisage:

  • Identifying the major Social Networks on the basis of your Company's business;
  • Screening the sites accessed as well as your Company's reputation, products and services;
  • Broadcasting optimistic contents or proposals of reviews and proofs of products and services (to be followed by a strategic comparison with your Company Head);
  • Broadcasting contents able to strike a balance between eventual comments or positive comments (true or false) coming from users. These activities should be performed side by side with your Company Head);
  • Creating communities or common meeting points for users, attempting to involve them via innovative, stimulating communicative campaigns.

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